Hope Seminary
Equipping believers in theological foundations for the local and global work of Christ.

Hope Seminary
Hope Seminary (HopeSem) is part of the equipping arm of Hope Singapore to prepare believers for the local and global work of Christ.
It also allows the believer to receive grounding in faith and also learn from leaders in specific areas of ministries.
Believers can apply the experience, knowledge and skills they learnt to serve the Church and beyond. HopeSem offers believers the opportunity to equip themselves better in their theological foundations to serve the Lord more effectively, especially in more specific roles.
It also allows the believer to receive grounding in faith and also learn from leaders in specific areas of ministries.
About Hope Sem
HopeSem strives in its mission “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Doctrinal Statement
HopeSem subscribes to the statement of faith of Hope Singapore.
Our Recognition
HopeSem has reached an agreement with the ACTS Bible College (ACTS) for two of HopeSem’s certificate programmes to be recognised by ACTS and thus transferrable towards its accredited degree programmes.
Study Options
Students enrolled in the credit study option will be engaged in active learning beyond the interactive lectures through assignments, group projects, presentations and reading plans, and will be graded according to the exhibition of his or her understanding. The grades earned can then be counted towards the fulfilment of a certificate programme if he or she chooses to enrol in one.
Course fee for a credit module: $40.00
Course fee for a credit module: $40.00
Students enrolled in the audit study option will attend classes but need not participate in assignments, group projects, presentations and reading plans.
Course fee for an audit module: $20.00
To find out more about the Hope Sem courses available, click here.
Who we are
We are committed to Love Neigbours, Make Disciples and Plant Churches.
This site is a one-stop access for all Grow classes and resources for Hope Singapore.
This site is a one-stop access for all Grow classes and resources for Hope Singapore.
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