Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do we have a new Grow Portal?
The new Grow Portal is a one-stop access for all Grow classes and your resource needs. As a learning platform, it allows you to catch up on classes you may have missed if it has been recorded. New classes and resources will be added every season, so that you can continue to learn and grow to be a better disciple and disciple-maker.
2. As a member of Hope Singapore, is it necessary to create an account through e2hope?
Yes, it is necessary for members of Hope Singapore to create an account through e2hope as some resources on the Grow Portal are restricted to members’ and leaders’ access only.
3. What is the difference between the “recommended resources” page and the “resource library”?
The “recommended resources” page highlights selected resources from the “resource library”. The “recommended resources” page will be updated regularly to display new and featured resources. The “resource library” contains all resources helpful for believers’ learning and growth.
4. I am not a member of Hope Singapore yet. Will my Grow Portal account be linked to my e2hope account after I become a member of Hope Singapore?
Yes. Your Grow Portal account will be linked to your e2hope account after you become a member of Hope Singapore.
5. Can I use my birthday coupon code on the Grow Portal?
Yes, you may use your birthday coupon code on the Grow Portal. You can do so by applying your coupon code at the check-out page.
6. How do I know if I have successfully signed up for a class?
You will receive a confirmation email from the Grow Portal after you have successfully signed up for a class. You will also be able to see uploaded notes for the class (if any) once you’ve successfully signed up for it.
7. Why can’t I access all the resources in the resource library?
Some of the resources in the resource library are restricted to members’ and leaders’ access only. If you have logged in via e2hope, you will be able to access the restricted resources based on your e2hope status.
8. Why are there coupon codes for Step C and D classes?
The coupon codes enable all to register for Step C and D classes on a complimentary basis.
9. Where can I find the classes I have signed up for?
You can find the classes you have signed up for by clicking on “my” (see screenshot below) once you’ve logged in to your account.

10. Will I be able to access the class materials even after the class has ended?
Yes, you will be able to access the class materials up to 1 month after the class has ended.
11. How do I sign up for the Belong or Lifegroup Leader class?
To sign for the Belong or LIfegroup Leader class, speak to your lifegroup leader for more information.
13. How do I sign up for the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)?
Couples would need to complete an MPC registration form first. This can be found in the MPC course page (see screenshot below).
Once your eligibility for MPC has been confirmed, you will receive an email from Equip containing instructions on how to sign up and pay for the course.

14. I only see a Credit option for Hope Sem courses. How do I sign up for an Audit option?
To sign up for the Audit option for Hope Sem courses, apply the coupon code “AUDIT20” at the checkout page (see screenshot below).

15. Will Season 1 2021 Grow classes be held online or face-to-face?
Season 1's Grow classes will be held online via Zoom.
16. Who can I contact if I have other questions on the Grow Portal?
You can write in to if you have any other queries on the Grow Portal.