Hope Singapore North East Marriage Retreat 2021

Family Life Ministry brings to you a 2D1N stay-in retreat to help married couples reignite passion, fuel intimacy, and strengthen their oneness in Christ. Hear guest speakers Steven and Michelle Chan share biblical principles and handles in building and enjoying the 5 aspects of intimacy in marriage - spiritual, sexual, emotional, financial, and recreational.

Dates: 28-29 Aug 2021
Locations: CT Hub/Connect 801, Goodwood Park Hotel, Online
$195 per couple, inclusive of:
• 1-night stay at Goodwood Park Hotel including breakfast for 2
• 3-course dinner for 2 at The Coffee Lounge
• Guest speakers, programme, and materials
• Transport (if needed) to and fro venues
• Open to all Northeast Region married couples
• 24 slots available only!
• Please arrange for childcare (if applicable) as the retreat will not include children

For frequently asked questions, click here.
About Steven & Michelle
Steven is a professional certified coach and a Board Director of Focus on the Family Singapore. Michelle is actively managing her beauty salon for more than 30 years. The couple have been married for 39 years and have 3 children and 4 grandsons. After hearing God’s call in 2010, Steven and Michelle focused their energy towards helping couples to strengthen and enjoy their marriage. Since then, they have been conducting their propriety marriage enrichment programme ‘Maximum Marriage Lovers Retreat’ for more than 300 couples from churches across Singapore.
For more about Steven and Michelle, check out their YouTube channel called Maximum Marriage TV (Steven Chan).

Due to the COVID-19 safe distancing measures, marriage retreats will be conducted over several separate runs.

This run is for the Northeast Region of Axis Adults. Participants from other regions will be directed to subsequent runs. Please register when the respective subsequent run opens for registration.

If you are not currently from the Hope Singapore community but keen on this marriage retreat, please email equip@hopesingapore.org.sg to indicate your interest.
Write your awesome label here.