Marriage Preparation Class

Ready to get married and make a pledge before God? Have many questions about marriage? Want to learn more about what it means to build a Christlike marriage, keep the love going strong, and live out a God-honouring marriage?

The Marriage Preparation Course is specially designed for couples at this stage of their relationship. Consisting of valuable biblical lessons and insightful practical tips taught by trained and experienced (in marriage, yes!) instructors, this course helps couples to evaluate their journey as a couple and take further steps into marriage.

Completion of this course is a pre-requisite for couples to be married by Hope Church Singapore, as we really want you to benefit from this programme!

14, 21, 28 Aug, 4, 11 Sep 2022
2pm - 5pm
Venue: NTP Ignite

Registration closes when class hits maximum capacity. Your registration is not confirmed until you have received an email from Equip. 
Write your awesome label here.