
Aug 24


Dear Leaders,

Following the announcement of the S377A repeal during the National Day Rally, we have consolidated some helpful resources for our engagement with our members. May God enable us to engage with His love, grace and truth!

Available Resources: 
1. Further Resources on Sexuality - A compilation of resources on understanding homosexuality, how parents can educate their children about sex and engaging others struggling with sexuality, 

2. FAQ for Leaders  - A list of frequently asked questions and suggested answers for pastoral leaders to refer to in engaging our members on this topic.

3. Sermon Discussion Questions - Suggested sermon discussion questions for Lifegroup based on "Let's Talk About Sexuality" sermon series.

4. Information Sheet for Leaders - A one page sheet that contains the biblical position on sexuality and some suggested pastoral guidelines as we dialogue with our members. 

5. Homosexuality FAQ eBook - A comprehensive compilation of frequently asked questions on sexuality. This book is available for sale through SKS, CC-SG, and Google Playbooks (eBook).

6. Sexuality Seminar 2019 - A video recording of a sexuality seminar conducted for leaders in 2019. This video recording covers 1) God's original intent for sexuality and its implications; 2) Pro-homosexuality arguments and our response & Basic pastoral guidelines; 3) Responder's Training; 4) Q&A.  

*Note that these resources are only available to leaders of Hope Singapore. 

Written Resources

Watch Video  

Further Resources
on Sexuality

Watch Video  

FAQ for Leaders

Watch Video  

Sermon Discussion Questions

Watch Video  

Information Sheet for Leaders

Watch Video  

Homosexuality FAQ Ebook

Video Resources (Sexuality Seminar 2019)

Watch Breakout Session  

Part 1: God's Original Intent
 for Sexuality

Watch Breakout Session  

Part 2: Pro-Homosexuality Arguments and our Responses & Basic Pastoral Guidelines

Watch Breakout Session  

Part 3: Responder's Training