Book of Ezekiel (Q4 2020)

Though the book of Ezekiel is not often preached or taught, its rich truths about God's nature and expectations of His people are too important to ignore. God's sovereignty over history, hatred of sin and faithfulness to His word was revealed in stunning detail in the many visions and prophecies recorded in the book. Finally, His promise to restore and renew Israel is an encouragement to believers of all ages that they too can look forward to a future where God will vindicate His people and rule the world with justice and goodness.

1 8 15 22 29 November 2020
1:30pm - 4:30pm 

Registration closes on 26 October or when class is full. 
Write your awesome label here.

What's included?

  • 7 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 340 Questions
  • 25 Video
  • 32 PDF

Become a Strategist 

You will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, set a strategic framework when writing

Personal brand

 You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.

Patrick Jones

Content marketer, instructor, writer, influencer
About Patrick
Patrick Jones is a content marketing professional since 2002. He has a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and a Bachelors in Education and has been teaching marketing strategies for over 15 years in Chicago. Patrick enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.